17 May 2015

7. The mouse rug

This is a blog about my taxidermy. I have tried to keep it as gore-less as possible, but here you are, a little warning.
Please keep reading under the cut....

06 May 2015

6. The Derelict Room

One of the rooms in my house is completely derelict, abandoned, and haunted.
It's been a truly dreamy room to create and photograph....

(click "read more" for the rest of this blog entry)

5. Kitchen

I'm obsessed with kitchen. Besotted. Shelves of deliciousness in jars and packets, hooks with sausages and rows of choppers... I want to make my dolls house kitchen feel lived in, messy, full of smells of spices and fresh cooking - like my kitchen looks before I quickly tidy up when we have visitors.

(please keep reading by clicking "read more" below...)

4. Skull and the Dolls House Festival

Weeks since getting bit by the miniature bug, I had the beginners luck of scoring a few gorgeous items at the Dolls House Festival by the Tower Of London on February 1st.

(carry on reading behind the break....)

3. Name and exterior

Next I realised that my dolls house couldn't just be called "My Dolls House" forever. It needed an identity, and it needed it quickly.

(please keep reading below)

2. Plotting the interior...

My new dolls house came half-done, wallpaper and flooring laid out and lights hooked up (thank gods as I ain't no dab hand with electricity). It came with random bits of furniture, which I chucked inside haphazardly so that I could hold a conference with the future inhabitants. We needed to discuss the plans for interior.

(please keep reading behind the cut)